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HARI Fledglings getting a shower

Top 10 Resolutions For Your Parrot!

30 décembre 2011 blogue, Communauté aviaire
Tasha Yellow Naped Amazon
Tasha, HARI’s model resident Yellow Naped Amazon

Happy New Year From Tasha!

Let’s start the New Year off with some resolutions for your companion birds! Here’s to their health, well-being, and to your dedication to your feathered friends.

Tasha, HARI’s model resident Yellow Naped Amazon, is ready to get the New Year started with a few suggestions on a timeless New Year’s Resolution list for all companion birds that will result in a winning strategy for ultimate bird happiness!

Remember, it takes a human care taker to make this list possible! As we roll into the New Year, we want to say THANK YOU to all our supporters and customers. And, we at HARI wish all of you-avian and otherwise, a prosperous and blessed 2012!

Top 10 Avian Resolutions for the New Year!


  1. I resolve to watch my weight. Hopefully the human caretakers have invested in a scale and will keep track of my ups & downs.HARI Quaker getting weighed
  2. I resolve to eat a nutritious diet that includes Tropican, Low-Fat Bean Tropimix.Tropican in a foraging dish
  3. I resolve to get a peaceful 9-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep & rest each night.
  4. I resolve to encourage my avian caretakers to take advantage of some of the educational opportunities to ensure I get the best care!
  5. I resolve to forage for food and interesting objects.Foraging Toy with Tropican
  6. I resolve to partake in independent play and to learn new exciting behaviors that stimulate my intelligence.
  7. I resolve to get regular grooming and keep my feet in tip top shape!
  8. I resolve to bathe regularly in order to keep my feathers in shining condition!
  9. I resolve to exercise at every opportunity that avails me.Tasha in flight!
  10. I resolve to acknowledge my place as a companion pet-yet be the utmost ambassador to my wild counterparts in need of protection & support.

World Parrot Trust

Parrots International

AFA Conservation Projects

Be sure to stay tuned …we have a lot of cool things in progress for 2012!

Melanie Allen

À Propos de Melanie Allen

En 1980, Melanie Allen a acheté son premier oiseau, une amazone à nuque d’or souffrant de problèmes de santé chroniques causés par une malnutrition et de mauvais soins. Melanie a présidé la Florida Federation of Aviculture, Inc., en plus d’être membre du conseil d’administration de la National Parrot Rescue & Preservation Foundation et du comité des candidatures de l’American Federation of Aviculture. Aujourd’hui, elle travaille en étroite collaboration avec des aviculteurs, des détaillants et des propriétaires d’oiseaux de compagnie. Elle participe également, au nom du Groupe Hagen, à toutes les conventions de l’industrie de l’aviculture aux États-Unis, y compris celles de l’American Federation of Aviculture, de l’Avicultural Society of America et du Parrot Festival.

Suivez Melanie Allen sur Facebook.

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Institut Hagen de recherche en aviculture