

Mark Hagen Speaking at Parrot Society of Australia Convention

2 min read

Press Release

Mark Hagen M.Ag., Director of Research at the Hagen Avicultural Research Institute (HARI) to speak at Parrots 2018, Parrot Society of Australia’s 10th international biennial convention

For Release: June 13, 2018

Baie D’Urfe – The HARI institute is pleased to confirm that Mark Hagen has accepted an invitation to speak at Parrots 2018, the Parrot Society of Australia’s 10th International Convention on Saturday July 7th. Mark’s topic Feeding Parrots at (HARI) for 30 years: Nutrition of Seeds vs Pellets will give insight to the pros and cons of each food item as it relates to vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats when trying to achieve optimum nutrition with a mixture of foods. Mark answers the question, Is it possible to feed easy to prepare cost efficient diets without compromising proper levels of essential nutrients? And is it possible to get these nutrients into birds at optimum intake levels?

See video of presentation (edited July 9, 2018)

Note: In addition to his talk, Mark Hagen, on behalf of the HARI institute, will donate to the Parrot Society a limited-edition book about parrots, written by the late Dr Anton Reichenow (1847-1941) a German zoologist and ornithologist who specialized in African birds). Dr. Reichenow’s book Vogelbilder aus Fernen Zonen: Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der Papageien, as-well-as 33 frameable acid-free reprints of the original hand-drawn parrot illustrations (illustrated by Gustav Mützel, 1839–1893) was first published in 1878, there are not many original copies left. Mark had 50 copies reprinted and have been given out over the past several years to parrot conservation groups and veterinarians for their dedication to parrots.

The Parrot Society plans to put the book up for auction Saturday night at the Official 2018 Parrot Trust of Australia Conservation and Fundraising Dinner.

Learn more about the Parrot Society of Australia Parrot Convention.

Images of select prints included in the collection.
