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CFL UVA/UVB Mini for Avian Vision, 9W
Help your bird see more with the Vision CFL UVA/UVB Mini light. UVA enhances a bird’s perception of its indoor environment to simulate nature. It stimulates appetite, encourages foraging and food recognition, motivates mating and can reduce psychological behaviours such as feather plucking. UVB facilitates assimilation of vitamin D3 for optimal calcium absorption.
- Helps Improve Overall Well-being
- Provides Environmental Enrichment
- Enables pet birds to see a greater spectrum of colors and color vibrancy
- Aids with vitamin D3 synthesis for proper calcium absorption
- Helps stimulate appetite, activity and reproductive behavior
- May reduce undesirable psychological behaviors
Type of LightingUVA/UVB
Wattage9 W
Voltage120 V
Hertz60 Hz
Lamp FittingSelf-ballasted – E26
Very SmallSmallMediumLarge
Very Small & Small
Pet care bulb for use with caged birds only.
Reminder! Light and UV radiation in compact fluorescent bulbs decrease over time. Change your UVA/UVB bulb yearly.
Caution: Ensure that electrical cords are out of reach from your bird.
Warning: [Hg] Lamp Contains Mercury. Manage in accordance with disposal laws.
Mercury disposal: or
This device is not intended for use with emergency exit fixtures or emergency lighting. Not for use where exposed to the weather. Not for use in totally enclosed recessed luminaires
Properly recycling CFLs according to disposal laws ensures that you and/or waste management workers do not come not in contact with harmful substances contained within the lamp (should the bulb break and harmful substances become exposed, they can be absorbed through the skin or by inhalation). In addition to these safety considerations, that the valuable parts of the lamp, such as glass and metal components, are not lost.
What To Do if a CFL Breaks:
The chemicals inside CFLs can be harmful if a bulb breaks. If you accidentally break a CFL, follow these steps: Put on gloves and a mask to shield yourself from the chemical dust. Collect all broken bits in an airtight container using a damp paper towel. Turn off all central air conditioning and fans for 15 minutes. Take the bulb to a recycling site.
Reminder! Light and UV radiation in compact fluorescent bulbs decrease over time. Change your UVA/UVB bulb yearly.
Caution: Ensure that electrical cords are out of reach from your bird.
Warning: [Hg] Lamp Contains Mercury. Manage in accordance with disposal laws.
Mercury disposal: or
This device is not intended for use with emergency exit fixtures or emergency lighting. Not for use where exposed to the weather. Not for use in totally enclosed recessed luminaires
Properly recycling CFLs according to disposal laws ensures that you and/or waste management workers do not come not in contact with harmful substances contained within the lamp (should the bulb break and harmful substances become exposed, they can be absorbed through the skin or by inhalation). In addition to these safety considerations, that the valuable parts of the lamp, such as glass and metal components, are not lost.
What To Do if a CFL Breaks:
The chemicals inside CFLs can be harmful if a bulb breaks. If you accidentally break a CFL, follow these steps: Put on gloves and a mask to shield yourself from the chemical dust. Collect all broken bits in an airtight container using a damp paper towel. Turn off all central air conditioning and fans for 15 minutes. Take the bulb to a recycling site.
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